KCM Group

About Us

Finding A Permanent Solution Is Our Ultimate Goal!

Our Team Has Succeeded In Understanding The Needs Of The Industry And Creating Reliable Products To Serve Them All.

KCM is an engineering solution company based in Ghana, which comes with a conclusion to your engineering problems through the supply of quality services and provision of well-experienced labor for your projects, with Health and safety being our priority and Environmental protection our primary concern.

We work by following well-written and tested Health and Safety procedures to eliminate incidents from our working sites and to keep our employees, contractors, client, and visitors safe.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Years of Experience
Completed Projects

Quality Comes First! We Make Sure That Every Minute Detail Is Looked Into While Manufacturing Even The Smallest Product. Our Focus Is 100% On Client Needs And Satisfaction.


With a systematic approach to eliminating hazards, unsafe acts, and conditions, we make use of well-established
systems which include accountabilities, policies, and procedures to meet the
expectations of our clients and regulatory authorities and also ensure the well-being of our employees
and contractors


We aim to provide well-experienced and certified laborers who will provide quality end products and work safely without concerns of injuries on your projects. We also aim to satisfy our clients and thereby become one of the leading engineering services providers where ever we find ourselves, both local and international

We Are The Creators You Can Trust On For A Perfect Solution To All Your Needs.

Need Help With Easier Industrial Solutions? We Are Experts!